
 our Experienced Team

  • All
  • Admin/IT
  • Civil
  • Electrical
  • Instrumentation and Controls
  • Leadership
  • Mechanical
  • Structural
  • Survey
  • Water/Wastewater
Photo of Arron Acord
Aaron Acord
Title: Staff Surveyor
Head shot of Miller
Adam Miller
Position: Department Head - Mechanical
Title: Associate Engineer
License: PE, M 40501 (CA), 100876PE (OR)
Smiling man in a suit
Adam Nichols
Title: Staff Engineer
Head shot of Harp
Alex Harp
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Engineering Consultant
License: PE, M 26028
A Photo of Delgado
Ambria Delgado
Title: Technical Editor
Portrait of a smiling woman with long hair seated by a stream with rocks
Annie Edwards
Title: Technical Editor
Man in a Suit
Bob Harp
Position: Department Head - Structural
Title: Principal Engineer
License: PE, SE 3252
Brian Rogers
Title: Staff Engineer
Head Shot of Barner in blue suit
Bryan Barnes
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Engineer
License: PE, E 22549 (CA), 101966PE (OR)
Head Shot of Gentles in a red button up shirt
Bryan Gentles
Position: Project Manager
Title: Associate Engineer
License: PE, E 24012
A man in a suit, smiling confidently
Bryan Stutchman
Title: Engineering Tech
Head Shot of Abshier
Calvin Abshier
Position: Project Manager
Title: Associate Engineer
License: PE, E 22477
Head shot of Needham
Christopher Needham
Title: Staff Engineer
License: PE, M 40530
Head Shot of Paget
Curtis Paget
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Engineer
License: PE, C 89077
Cyanna Iñiguez
Title: Staff Engineer
A man in a black suit smiling, with a background of office bookshelves
David Phanthavady
Title: Staff Engineer
Man in a blue patterned shirt smiling indoors with a waterfall picture in the background
Duayne Loucks
Title: Engineering Tech
Dustin Bailey
Title: Engineering Tech
Photo of Dylan Deleon
Dylan De León
Title: Staff Engineer
Headshot of Jurisich
Eli Jurisich
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Engineer
License: PE, SE 4718 (CA), 099923SE (OR)
Head shot of FryBerger
Emory Fryberger
Title: Staff Engineer
Head shot of Yribe
Enrique Yribe
Title: Engineering Tech
A Photo of Periard
Eric Periard
Title: Staff Engineer
Head Shot of Kiser
Erin Kiser
Title: Staff Engineer
Headshot of Johnson
Evan Johnson
Title: Engineering Tech
Head Shot of Hattengauer
Garett Hattenhauer
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Engineer
License: PE, C 76784
Head Shot of Maxwell
Grant Maxwell
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Engineer
License: PE, C 79052
Photo of Greg Fay
Greg Fay
Title: Staff Engineer
Smiling man in a forest
Ignacio Sanchez
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Surveyor
License: LS, LS 9223
Smiling man in a Lobby
Jake Falkenstein
Title: Engineering Tech
Man in an office
James Litts
Position: Project Manager
Title: Associate Surveyor
License: LS, LS 9699
Smiling man in a forest
Jason Strack
Title: Survey Tech
Headshot of Krantz
Jeff Krantz
Title: Staff Engineer
License: PE, C 93562
Photo of Collins
Jen Collins
Position: Project Manager
Title: Staff Engineer
License: PE, C 95093 (CA), 88800 (OR)
Photo of Jeremy Mills
Jeremy Mills
Title: Staff Engineer
Headshot of Lenaker
Jesse Lenaker
Position: Department Head - Survey
Title: Principal Surveyor
License: LS, LS 8515
Head Shot of Chandler
Jessica Chandler
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Engineer
License: PE, C 84911
Man in a gray suit smiling indoors with a mountain painting in the background
Jim Paul
Title: Engineering Tech
Photo of Joey N.
Joey Nickerson
Title: Staff Engineer
Headshot of Mcbride
Jon McBride
Title: Staff Surveyor
Justin Trompczynski
Title: Engineering Tech
Head shot of Layton
Karalee Layton
Position: Department Head - Admin
Title: Office Manager
Head shot of Nunes
Karrie Nunes
Title: Technical Editor
Head shot of Hord
Kayla Hord
Title: Admin Assistant
Head Shot of Krantz
Keith Krantz
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Engineer
License: PE, C 63914
Head shot of Barone
Kelly Barone
Title: Engineering Tech
Head shot of Smith K
Kellyn Smith
Title: Staff Engineer
License: PE, M 42334
A photo of Schuette
Kiara Schuette
Title: Technical Editor
Head shot of Bell
Kurtis Bell
Title: Engineering Tech
Head shot of Commings
Kyle Cummings
Title: Engineering Tech
Head Shot of McCollum
Laurie McCollum
Position: Department Head - Water/Wastewater
Title: Principal Engineer
License: PE, C 77274
Head Shot of Van ZYL
Marius van Zyl
Title: Staff Engineer
Photo of Matt Walsh
Matt Walsh
Title: Staff Engineer
Head shot of Walters
Michael Walters
Title: IT Manager
Head Shot of Quaife
Miles Quaife
Title: Staff Engineer
Portrait of a smiling woman with dark hair seated by a stream with rocks
Monica Barbour
Title: Receptionist
Smiling man in a suit in an office
Nathan Chandler
Title: Staff Engineer
License: PE, C 96660
Head shot of Peck
Nicholas Peck
Position: Project Manager
Title: Staff Engineer
License: PE, E 24998
Head Shot of Humphreys
Nicole Harris
Position: Project Manager
Title: Associate Engineer
License: PE, C 93075
Head Shot of Cibart
Paige Cibart
Position: Project Manager
Title: Staff Engineer
License: PE, C 93946
A Photo of Paul Reuter
Paul Reuter
Position: President
Title: Managing Engineer
License: PE, C 56876
A Photo of Harnett
Quinn Harnett
Title: Staff Engineer
License: PE, 0062171 (CO)
Man in a blue shirt smiling indoors with a painting in the background
Rod Bryan
Title: Engineering Tech
Modern office building along a road, featuring large windows and a clean facade
Ryan Turner
Title: Staff Engineer
License: PE, C 94742
Head Shot of Mcguigan
Sean McGuigan
Position: Project Manager
Title: Staff Engineer
A man in a suit, smiling in a conference room with a large table
Seth Petrie
Position: Department Head - Civil
Title: Principal Engineer
License: PE, C 72333
Man in a blue shirt smiling outdoors with trees in the background
Shane Rodriguez
Title: Engineering Tech
Smiling man in a suit
Shawn Wade
Position: Project Manager
Title: Principal Engineer
License: PE, SE 6497
Smiling man in a Forest
Steve Wilson
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Engineer
License: PE, SE 5993
Head shot of Hale
Tammy Hale
Title: Bookkeeper
Head shot of Williamson
Tara Petree
Title: Admin Assistant
A Photo of Mccanless
Terra McCanless
Title: Engineering Tech
Young man in a suit smiling with trees in the background
Thurman Knowles
Title: Staff Engineer
A Photo of a Man
Tom Chism
Title: Contract Operator
Head Shot of Warnock
Tom Warnock
Position: Project Manager
Title: Principal Engineer
License: PE, C 45008
Head Shot of Bowser T
Tony Bowser
Position: Department Head - Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls
Title: Principal Engineer
License: PE, E 17988 (CA), 58835 (MT), 55334 (WA)
Travis Meamber
Title: IT Technician
A man wearing a suit and glasses, smiling at the camera in a professional setting
Troy Jones
Position: Project Manager
Title: Senior Engineer
License: PE, C 59519
Head Shot of Miller W
Wes Miller
Title: Staff Engineer
Man in front of an office smiling
Wesley Inman
Position: Project Manager
Title: Associate Surveyor
License: LS, LS 9500